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Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 667, Issue 1,
Pages 1-187 (5 May 1995)

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Analytical strategies for the screening of veterinary drugs and their residues in edible products, Pages 1-40
M. M. L. Aerts, A. C. Hogenboom and U. A. Th. Brinkman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (2328 K)

Determination of extracellular glutathione in livers of anaesthetized rats by microdialysis with on-line high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 41-48
Yang Chung-ShiTsai Pi-JuChen Wen-YingLiu LinKuo Jon-Son
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (407 K)

High-performance liquid chromatographic resolution of synthetic opiate and "anti-opiate" peptides from human plasma, Pages 49-56
John S. Partilla, You Jingtao and Richard B. Rothman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (392 K)

Separation of immunoglobulin G from human serum by pseudobioaffinity chromatography using immobilized -histidine in hollow fibre membranes, Pages 57-67
Sonia M. A. Bueno, Karsten Haupt and M. A. Vijayalakshmi
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (691 K)

Determination of iodide in serum and urine by ion-pair reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with coulometric detection, Pages 69-74
Fathi Moussa, Marie-Charles Raux-Demay, Frédérique Veinberg, François Depasse, Ridha Gharbi, Jean-Yves Hautem and Pierre Aymard
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (308 K)

Determination of hemoglobin adducts of arylamines in humans, Pages 75-83
Gabriele Sabbioni and Armin Beyerbach
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (522 K)

Determination of the chlorofluorocarbon substitute 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFA-134a) in human and animal blood using gas chromatography with headspace analysis, Pages 85-93
Katherine M. Cooper, Shaw F. Chang and Lester I. Harrison
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (526 K)

Detection of flunixin in equine urine using high-performance liquid chromatography with particle beam and atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry after solid-phase extraction, Pages 95-103
S. M. R. Stanley, N. A. Owens and J. P. Rodgers
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (414 K)

Simultaneous determination of etretinate, acitretin and their metabolites in perfusate, perfusate plasma, bile or hepatic tissue with reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 105-113
Mark A. Decker and Cheryl L. Zimmerman
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (433 K)

Assay of the enantiomers of ibutilide and artilide using solid-phase extraction, derivatization, and achiral-chiral column-switching high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 115-128
L. Hsu Chang-yuan and Rodney R. Walters
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (714 K)

Simultaneous determination of hydroxocobalamin and its cyanide complex cyanocobalamin in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography Application to pharmacokinetic studies after high-dose hydroxocobalamin as an antidote for severe cyanide poisoning, Pages 129-135
Alain Astier and Frederic J. Baud
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (462 K)

Determination of BAY x 7195, a novel leukotriene D4 antagonist, in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with post-column photo derivatisation and fluorescence detection, Pages 137-147
R. Heinig
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (538 K)

Rapid method for the separation and detection of tissue short-chain coenzyme A esters by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, Pages 148-152
Abraham Demoz, Alexis Garras, Daniel K. Asiedu, Bjørn Netteland and Rolf Kristian Berge
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (236 K)

Comparison of membrane proteins from benign and malignant human thyroid tissues by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Pages 153-160
D. Lin J.C. Huang C.F. Weng H.C. Chen S.B. Jeng L.
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (614 K)

Capillary zone electrophoresis as a new tool in the chemotaxonomy of oral treponemes, Pages 161-165
Ilia Brondz, Ulf R. Dahle, Tyge Greibrokk and Ingar Olsen
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (244 K)

Determination of hemoglobin adduct levels of the carcinogen 2,4-diaminotoluene using gas chromatography-electron impact positive-ion mass spectrometry, Pages 166-172
Patrick M. Wilson, Shane S. Que Hee and John R. Froines
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (338 K)

Porous graphitic carbon shows promise for the rapid chromatographic analysis of polar drug metabolites, Pages 173-178
J. Ayrton, M. B. Evans, A. J. Harris and R. S. Plumb
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (315 K)

High-porformance liquid chromatographic procedure for the measurement of nitrobenzodiazepines and their 7-amino metabolites in blood, Pages 179-184
Michael D. Robertson and Olaf H. Drummer
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (284 K)

Degradation of dansyl polyamines on high-performance thin-layer chromatographic plates, Pages 185-187
Ingo Rustenbeck, Dagmar Löptien and Sigurd Lenzen
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (175 K)


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